The Mobile Dentist Program is coming to New London Schools in November 8-12th!
Posted Monday, October 11, 2021
New London Local Schools announces a grant award of $31,750 as a partner in the Wellington Exempted Village Schools (WEVS)’ Ohio Collaborative Fund for Educating Remotely and Transforming Schools Grant. WEVS served as the Local Education Agency (LEA) and applicant for the grant on behalf of the Rural STEM Collaborative (RSC), a four rural school districts consortium of Mapleton, New London, Northwestern and Wellington. The RSC has been successful in working together with HSTW NE Ohio Region to secure the additional funding needed to build local capacity for change, improve education in rural schools, and build a K-12 STEM pipeline of career-ready students.
Posted Monday, December 7, 2020
COVID-19 District information in one location.
Posted Monday, March 23, 2020
The flu season is always a challenging time for our schools and this year is no different with the news of the coronavirus. Since all of the schools in the area could be affected, the superintendents throughout Huron county felt it important to communicate as one regarding what we are all doing on this effort. That starts with this letter
Posted Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Winter weather is now upon us, which means the flu and other winter illnesses will soon follow. Some of these are unavoidable but there are several things you can do at home to help prevent illness and keep everyone feeling healthy.
Posted Friday, December 27, 2019
This Notice is to tell you of a recommended Class Action Settlement Agreement (“Settlement Agreement”) in the class action lawsuit, Doe, et al., v. State of Ohio, et al., Case No. 2:91-cv-00464. The Court has preliminarily approved the Settlement Agreement and scheduled a hearing for February 11, 2020. At the hearing, the Court will decide whether the Settlement Agreement is fair, reasonable, and in your best interests and whether the Settlement Agreement should have final approval. You have the right to know about this settlement and the right to comment on the proposed Settlement Agreement and to attend the hearing.
Posted Thursday, December 5, 2019