New London

Local Schools


New London Local Schools News Article

Blizzard Bag #2

General Business

Report on current economic conditions- Local or State

Search any media outlet (Internet, magazine, newspaper) for an article concerning the national or global economy. Atricles should be from within the last two weeks. Write a report of at least 150 words detailing the situations discussed in the article and include your opinion on the situation.

Accounting I & II

Source Documents

Use the transactions that you created in Blizzard Bag #1 and identify what the source document would be for each transaction. Select one of the source documents and include a drawing of what the source document would look like and the information that would be included on it.

Keyboarding 7

Keyboarding Online

Complete the next lesson in Keyboarding Online. For example, if you are on line 5 Lesson 6, you should comlete through line 5 Lesson 7.

Microsoft Office 8

Keyboarding Online

Complete the Lesson 26 in Keyboarding Online.

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