This year, most Ohio students in grades 3-8 will take a new and different set of state achievement tests that are based on Ohio’s New Learning Standards. Both the standards and new tests reflect higher expectations for what students should know and be able to do in math, English language arts, science and social studies. The new tests also will better measure what students have learned and what they can do with their knowledge.
In grades 3-8 math, the new state tests will replace the Ohio Achievement Assessments (OAA).
The new tests also will replace the OAAs in grades 4-8 English language arts. All grade 3 students will take the OAA in reading this fall. Students who reach a promotion score on that test will switch to the state’s new third-grade reading test next spring. Those who do not receive a promotion score will take the OAA in reading again next spring.
The new state tests also replace the grade 5 and 8 science tests and bring back the social studies tests at grades 4 and 6.
Each of these state tests has two parts. The first is performance-based. Students will provide answers and explain how and why they chose them. The second part is an end-of-course exam in which students simply select responses. A student’s final score will combine the scores from both parts.
If you have questions about the new state tests, contact your child’s teacher.