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New London

Local Schools


Mental Health Curriculum

House Bill 123- Save Student's Act

On March 24, 2021, the General Assembly enacted HB 123 regarding school security and youth suicide awareness education & training.  The state calls for a comprehensive approach to school safety involving the Ohio Department of Education, Public Safety, Mental Health & Addiction Services, and the Attorney General’s Office. Student success is dependent on whether students feel safe and supported in schools. A comprehensive approach includes meeting the physical and emotional safety of both students and staff while integrating evidence-based programming. Per this new law, a Suicide curriculum must be provided in every grade 6-12, continuing every year, and school districts must include at least one hour (or a standard class period).  This curriculum must be an evidence-based instruction approved by the Ohio Department of Education that includes all of the following topics:

1.) Suicide awareness and prevention
2.) Safety Training and violence prevention
3.) Social Inclusion

New London Local Schools will be using 3 programs to cover the required topics. All of these programs were designed by the Sandy Hook Foundation. They are Start With Hello, Say Something, and Say Something Prevent Suicide. 

This law goes into effect at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year.
As a parent or guardian, you can choose to opt your student out of receiving this instruction. If you wish to do this please complete the opt-out form below. 

Senate Bill 288-Child Sexual Abuse, Dating Violence and Sexual Violence Prevention

Ohio law requires traditional public schools, community schools, STEM schools, and chartered nonpublic schools to provide developmentally appropriate instruction in child sexual abuse prevention, dating violence prevention, and sexual violence prevention beginning in the 2023-2024 school year. 

Schools are required to provide developmentally appropriate instruction in child sexual abuse prevention to students in grades K through 6. Instruction is to occur annually and include information on available counseling and resources for children who are sexually abused. Instruction and information provided cannot be connected in any way to any individual, entity, or organization that provides, promotes, counsels, or makes referrals for abortion or abortion-related services.  

New London Local Schools has selected the Second Step Program to meet the requirements of this law.  To view curriculum samples and to learn more about the Second Step Program, use this link. Below are links to the lessons. Please note  WE WILL NOT BE IDENTIFYING BODY PARTS. We will exclude this part of that lesson.

Opt out SB288.pdf- Must be printed and returned to the office before the start of lessons. Parents will need to submit a new form at the start of every school year.  

Middle and High School
Schools are also required to provide developmentally appropriate instruction in dating violence prevention education and sexual violence prevention education during health education to students in grades 7 through 12. Instruction must include recognizing dating violence warning signs and characteristics of healthy relationships. Instruction and information cannot be connected in any way to any individual, entity, or organization that provides, promotes, counsels, or makes referrals for abortion or abortion-related services.  

Upon written request of the student's parent or guardian, a student shall be excused from taking instruction in child sexual abuse prevention. Please contact the office at 419-929-1586 to request an opt-out form.  Please click the link below to review the material that will be presented. 

Opt out SB288.pdf- Must be printed and returned to the office before the start of lessons. Parents will need to submit a new form at the start of every school year. 

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