Demonstrate fiscal responsibility and transparency in all aspects of operations and management. Maintain a proactive stance in planning for future district needs within the confines of current and projected (future) funding.
- Publish and promote a financial dashboard to further educate the community on current and projected (future) expenditures.
- Create a projected financial assessment of future facilities’ needs in concert with master facilities plan; provide community updates related to projected cost of potential projects, bond issue resources and/or potential OFCC partnerships.
- Research shared service models with neighboring school districts to explore cost reduction and enhanced resource allocation; increase district response to grant opportunities; investigate corporate gift, donation and endowment opportunities.
- Formulate discussions and planning for district levy cycles; determine strategy for levy implementation in relation to potential facilities’ needs.
- Define and implement a district recruiting and retention plan to deter local students from open enrolling in neighboring public-school districts or private schools; target the promotion of 21st century programming options (STEM, CTE, CCP) to show the value of a New London education.